March 27 2017 Free OkayFreedom VPN Premium, IObit Uninstaller 6 PRO, LabelEase!

OkayFreedom VPN Premium

$29.95 Free!

okayfreedom free
OkayFreedom VPN Premium provides you unlimited, encrypted VPN access to servers in eleven countries around the world: Germany, USA, Switzerland, Great Britain, France, Japan, Singapore, Egypt, Romania, Spain, and Turkey.

Unblock videos

Do you also get annoyed every time you can‘t watch a video because it’s supposedly „not available in your country?“ That’s over now thanks to OkayFreedom VPN. This program recognizes whether content like videos or even entire websites are blocked in your country, and automatically routes you through a different locale where it’s accessible. Boom, your video plays.

Browse safely

Even if you just want to prevent someone from following your footsteps online, OkayFreedom VPN is the tool of choice. OkayFreedom VPN hides your real IP address online, and also encrypts your entire connection with secure 128-bit Blowfish encryption. Sounds complicated, but it’s super okay because you can basically surf the net anonymously!

IObit Uninstaller 6 PRO

$9.99 Free!

iobit-uninstaller free
Features & benefits of IObit Uninstaller 6 Pro:
* Uninstall Unwanted Programs Thoroughly and Quickly
* Remove Plug-ins & Extensions on Edge, Chrome, IE, Firefox, etc.
* Easily Remove Problematic Windows Updates
* Thoroughly Uninstall Win 10 & Win 8’s Built-in Apps
* Larger Real-time Database to Uninstall More Stubborn Programs
* Uninstall Malicious plug-ins for more secure browser
* Cleaner & Faster Online Experience with Adware Removal
* Auto Clean Leftovers of Programs Uninstalled by Other Uninstallers


$75.00 $30.00

labelease discount
LabelEase offers you one solution for address printing, labeling, and data storage. With LabelEase, you’ll be able to retrieve addresses with just a keystroke, print directly onto envelopes, post cards, and labels, and manage your contact data easily.

How do you get your contact info into LabelEase? The program lets you enter information manually or import them, and everything is stored in an integrated database, including email address, phone numbers, and other data. Best of all, you can store the database in the cloud for extra security, and access it from any instance of LabelEase anywhere!

  • Andrew Wise

    Andrew is just a guy who uses computers every day, and hates if troubles come into his life. He loves to sing also. But don't worry his voice never bother you, just text.