January 26 2017 Free TK8 StickyNotes Pro, Mask Surf Pro, True Launch Bar!

TK8 StickyNotes Pro

$19.95 $7.98

tk8-stickynotes-pro free
Paper sticky notes are handy… at first. Before you know it, though, every surface of your desk is covered with sticky notes, each containing one single vital piece of information. Even if you’re good about throwing them out when they’ve outgrown their usefulness, at the very least this system is pretty bad for the environment.

It’s time to bring your sticky note habit into the digital age, with TK8 StickyNotes Pro! With TK8 StickyNotes Pro, you’ll enjoy all of the benefits of traditional paper notes, but with added bonuses that you can only get with an electronic version!

Mask Surf Pro

$50.00 $25.00

mask-surf free
Mask Surf Pro lets you surf the Internet completely anonymously, without requiring any complex configurations or steep learning curves. With Mask Surf Pro, you can engage in web browsing, instant messaging, and information sharing like chat rooms and forums without revealing your true identity. No application does a better job of preventing trackbacks and hiding your browsing history than Mask Surf Pro.

True Launch Bar

$19.90 $13.93

launch-bar discount
True Launch Bar is a vastly-superior replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. Don’t worry — every Quick Launch function is also in True Launch Bar, and they share the same shortcut folder. However, True Launch Bar allows us to combine our shortcuts into groups and display them in convenient popup menus. Right off the bat it saves us space on our desktop and makes it a snap to launch our favorite applications.

True Launch Bar is extremely configurable. We love the “auto-popup menus on mouse hover” option, and the “large icon” option makes working at high screen resolutions much more comfortable. Creating a new menu is as simple as right-clicking on True Launch Bar, and you can designate hotkeys to launch applications.

  • Andrew Wise

    Andrew is just a guy who uses computers every day, and hates if troubles come into his life. He loves to sing also. But don't worry his voice never bother you, just text.