How to Remove “HQFOK.COM/IEW” Adware Virus (PUP.Adware.COM/IEW) from Chrome: Removal Tips

In this post I will tell you how to fix problem manually and how to clean it automatically using a special powerful removal tool.

You can download the removal program for free here:


HQFOK.COM/IEW is a Browser Hijacker.
HQFOK.COM/IEW is classified as PUP.Adware.HQFOK.
Browser Hijacker is a type of MALWARE, that is designed to change your browser’s settings.
You may experience any of the following behaviors: Your search is getting redirected to different websites. Your homepage or search engine is changed without your permission. Webpages load slowly.

How I got HQFOK.COM/IEW virus?

At last weekend I was visiting my grandma. I love her, her pancakes and mushroom’s soup. But at the evening, before I left her, she asked me to check her PC. Something strange was in it.
Every time when she ran her browser, it was showing HQFOK.COM/IEW with advertise! I began to search information about this site redirect and found, that HQFOK.COM/IEW is one of the many advertising web-sites, which opens each time you launch the web-browser. And you see too much advertise instead of site that you need.
How to get rid of adware redirect virus from chrome, firefox, internet explorer, edge


Fixes that the others can’t!

Download Now:

Download Removal Tool here…
I have tried to change browser’s homepage, I have checked all settings of it, but in waste – after a couple of minutes it has returned to HQFOK.COM/IEW.

I have checked the scheduled task and deleted them. That was not enough too.

I have checked and closed all suspicious processes, and started to fix my shortcuts again. The same thing – all settings has returned to HQFOK.COM/IEW.
I have checked all programs in autostart menu…
So I have spend a lot of time to fix that problem manually and help my grandma!

Will you remove it?
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Download Removal Tool for Free

You can save 2 hours using this manual!

Follow instructions step by step.

You have 2 ways to remove HQFOK.COM/IEW:

You have 2 ways

Remove it automatically1. Remove Automatically.
Remove it manually2. Remove Manually.

Why I recommend you to use an automatic way?

  1. You know only one virus name: "HQFOK.COM/IEW", but usually you have infected by a bunch of viruses.
    The UnHackMe program detects this threat and all others.
  2. UnHackMe is quite fast! You need only 5 minutes to check your PC.
  3. UnHackMe uses the special features to remove hard in removal viruses. If you remove a virus manually, it can prevent deleting using a self-protecting module. If you even delete the virus, it may recreate himself by a stealthy module.
  4. UnHackMe is small and compatible with any antivirus.
  5. UnHackMe is fully free for 30-days!

How to easily remove HQFOK.COM/IEW virus? (Virus removal guide)

Here’s how to remove HQFOK.COM/IEW virus:

STEP 1: Install UnHackMe. (1 minute)

STEP 2: Scan for HQFOK.COM/IEW malware using UnHackMe. (1 minute)

STEP 3: Remove HQFOK.COM/IEW malware. (3 minutes)

STEP 4: (optional) Clear your basket and cache.

UnHackMe will complete all steps I wrote above by checking all items with it’s database in only 1 minute!

Also UnHackMe surely will find another malware too, not only HQFOK.COM/IEW virus.

With manual deletion there can be some problems with erasing some opened files. Some processes can immediately be opened again. Often you can not have access rights to do some operations also.

UnHackMe ready to all this situations and will make hard work during reboot.

And that is not the end! If after erasing HQFOK.COM/IEW virus some problems still exists, UnHackMe has manual mode to explore unwanted programs in list and fix them.
Just try to use UnHackMe from Greatis Software and follow this guide!

So let’s start now:

STEP 1: Install UnHackMe (1 minute).

  1. Download UnHackMe from official web site.
    Double click on
    Choose ‘unhackme_setup.exe’.
  2. start install UnHackMe

  3. Then you have to accept the license agreement.
  4. proceed install UnHackMe

  5. And later you have to choose destination to install and finish installation process.
  6. choose destination directory for install UnHackMe

STEP 2: Scan for HQFOK.COM/IEW malware using UnHackMe (1 minute).

  1. After that you have to run UnHackMe, and start scanning, you may use fast scan for only 1 minute. But if you have time – I recommend you to run Online Multi-Antivirus + Anti-malware scanning with VirusTotal – it will increase probability of detection not only HQFOK.COM/IEW virus, but the other unwanted software too.
  2. Start removing virus using UnHackMe

  3. After that the scanning process will begin.
  4. scan viruses with UnHackMe

STEP 3: Remove HQFOK.COM/IEW malware (3 minutes).

  1. By the way, UnHackMe shows you everything he found, not only absolutely bad, but suspected and even potentially good. Be careful! Not sure – skip it! But if it is marked as dangerous – trust it. It will be red. Check it and click Remove Checked.
  2. remove using UnHackMe

  3. After that UnHackMe may ask you for confirmation and advise to close all browsers. Do it.
  4. In case you need to delete file or directory it is better to check ‘Use file safe deleting’. Yes, you will need to reboot, but this is best way.
  5. fix virus with UnHackMe

  6. And after all you will see the results of your scanning and fixing process
  7. Was fixed by UnHackMe

STEP 4: (optional) Clear your basket and cache.

  • Well, at first clear your basket. It is very usual, but necessary operation.
    Simply right click on your basket and choose “Clear”.
  • After that you have to clear the cache of your browser. For example, if you use Mozilla Firefox as I do, just go to menu Tools and run Options.
    Open Privacy tab and check option ‘Clear history when Firefox closes’
  • clear history after removed malware virus in firefox

  • Then click Settings at this screen and check options ‘Cookies’ and ‘Cache’ as shown at picture.
  • clear cache firefox remove virus

  • After that click OK and close your browser’s pages. All information in cache will be removed.

So after all these steps you will have absolutely clean system without any trace of HQFOK.COM/IEW virus. Start using UnHackMe right now to completely protect your PC from malware and unwanted programs!

How to remove HQFOK.COM/IEW virus manually? (Virus removal guide)

  1. Find HQFOK.COM/IEW in the list of installed programs and uninstall it.
  2. how uninstall unwanted adware program from windows
    More info…

  3. Open Task Manager and close all programs, which has name HQFOK.COM/IEW in their description. Check the directories where such programs start. Erase all of them too.
  4. check task manager to terminate
    More info…

  5. Disable auto starting of services with HQFOK.COM/IEW in it’s name.
  6. run services console
    More info…

  7. Delete tasks with HQFOK.COM/IEW in it’s name.
  8. run scheduler console to clear
    More info…

  9. Find and delete all keys with virus name in it’s content.
  10. run registry editor to find
    More info…

  11. After that, check shortcuts of your browsers if they have additional addresses at the end of command line. Check if shortcuts runs real browsers, not fakes. Remember: Chromium is fake browser, real name have to be Chrome.
  12. check shortcut's end for additional line

  13. Check all plug-ins of all installed browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc., if they have our virus name in their names or directory. You may need to uninstall suspisious exgtensions or totally reset your browser.
  14. check plugins
    More info for Mozilla Firefox…

  15. After that, check settings of search and homepage of your browser. Reset them if needed.
  16. check homepage for changes

  17. Next, you have to check your DNS settings. Follow your provider’s instructions, delete all unknown DNS addresses.
    More info…
  18. And at the end, clear your basket, temporal files, browser’s cache.

But if you miss any of these steps and only one part of virus remains – it will come back again immediately or after reboot.

So it was much easier to fix such problem automatically, wasn’t it? I fixed HQFOK.COM/IEW virus in only 5 minutes! That is why I strongly advise you to use UnHackMe for remove HQFOK.COM/IEW virus or other unwanted software, using this simple guide.

  • Andrew Wise

    Andrew is just a guy who uses computers every day, and hates if troubles come into his life. He loves to sing also. But don't worry his voice never bother you, just text.