How to Allow Only Manual Updates on Windows 10

Microsoft removed updating controls in Windows 10 operating systems so that it has become difficult to set the updating process to manual or disable updates altogether. But what if you want manual updates only in Windows 10? Here is a simple guide to you.

Here is How to Set Windows 10 Updating to Manual:

Windows 10 has a task that uses the program C:\Windows\System32\UsoClient.exe to check for updates regularly and automatically. You may find it under Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > UpdateOrchestrator > Schedule Scan in the Windows Task Scheduler.


We will remove all permissions from the file UsoClient.exe. The update check that is triggered by tasks fails because of this.

  • STEP 1: At first, run the Command Prompt. To do so, just press Win+R, type cmd and press OK.
  • STEP 2: Then run the command takeown /f “%WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe” /a
    This takes ownership of the file and assigns it to the administrator group giving you control over the file.
  • STEP 3: After that run icacls “%WINDIR%\System32\UsoClient.exe” /inheritance:r /remove “Administrators” “Authenticated Users” “Users” “System”
    This removes permissions for the selected groups of users from the file. Note that you may need to change the English group names if you use a non-English edition of Windows.
  • STEP 4: At last, verify all permissions that have been removed, by right-clicking on C:\Windows\System32\UsoClient.exe, selecting properties from the context menu, and switching to the Security tab when the properties window opens.

Now, when Windows 10 triggers the event, you should get a “access is denied” error message under last run result in the UpdateOrchestrator task listing.

But you can still run update scans manually by opening Settings > Update & Security.

  • Andrew Wise

    Andrew is just a guy who uses computers every day, and hates if troubles come into his life. He loves to sing also. But don't worry his voice never bother you, just text.