How to Enable Samples Page in Settings in Windows 10?

In Windows 10, there is a hidden Samples page in the Settings app. It contains the Settings team’s tests and examples for future implementations. You can enable it and see which options and tests it comes with. Here is how.

Here is How to Enable Samples Page in Settings in Windows 10:

  • STEP 1: At first, open the Registry Editor. To do so, just press Win+R, type regedit.exe and press OK.
  • STEP 2: Then go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel.
  • STEP 3: Finally, create a new 32-bit DWORD value named EnableSamplesPage. Set its value data to 1.
    windows 10 enable samples page
  • You will see a new category named Samples.

  • Andrew Wise

    Andrew is just a guy who uses computers every day, and hates if troubles come into his life. He loves to sing also. But don't worry his voice never bother you, just text.